Jestryx Legends Design Blog
Jestryx Legends

Today was preparation time for the first PRE and our group had initial ideas for the game. The game will be designed as a team game where the advantage is gained by killing players and using traps, i.e. capture the flag. Similar to volrant and rainbow six fps pvp games.
The core gameplay is setting traps and then defeating the enemy. We decided on 6 players per group.

Today I finished the backstory for the game. It places our game in a post-apocalyptic wasteland style. Over the past two weeks, my team and I have defined the economic system in the game. In our game, players can purchase weapons and shields to secure attacks. We also determined prices and simply estimated values.

During this fortnight, we changed the numbers to 3v3, as we found that 6v6 was more work for our entire project. We decided to design only three roles, with both teams using the same roles. Each character has different abilities to balance the fairness of the game. We further determined the damage values of the characters and weapons to make sure that each character works and doesn't affect the balance of the game.

Over the past two weeks, I looked for some audio to use as a reference for our game. In addition to some user interface audio, I also tried to choose bgm that better fits the style of our game.

In the last two weeks we optimised the combat mechanics. We made sure that only engineers on the attacking side can set traps in advance, which ensures a balanced attack between the attacking side and the protecting side. The protecting side needs to be more careful when defending. We also designed CHOKE POINTS in different parts of the map so that the protecting side is less likely to reach the target point than the attacking side. The distance the protector has to travel to reach the target point is also longer than the attacker. We also placed a square tunnel as a Poi so that players can better find the target point.

Over the past two weeks, we put BLOCK into unity for testing to try out the playability of the game. The program and I decided on the complete game flow and determined the screens that the player can see when they enter the game. I also created some models in MAYA for our game.

In the past two weeks, I created the UI for our game and worked with the program to determine the weapon types. This is because we found that three guns were too many for our game. Because we are a quick, short turn-based game. I further confirmed the length of the game with the programme. Trying to make our game as fast as possible.

Over the past two weeks, the program and I have been refining the details of the game in unity. And tested if the game length is feasible. Unfortunately, we may not be able to add character animations in time, so it's just in capsule form at the moment. We also optimised the environments and added trees to make the game look more thematic. We've also added lighting effects to give the player a better experience in the game.

This weeks we have been wrapping things up. The program is further completing the game programming. I will be revising our game design document to make sure the game is uniform.
I completed the Game Outline and Gameplay sections of the game design document. I worked with my team members to complete the Game Economy section.
Finally, I modified the document format to make it look more concise and clear.
Jestryx Legends