Let's go to work!
Individual projects

This is a small ffash game that I created in Adobe Animate. In this game, the player will choose what he or she wears as a person getting ready for work. However, only by wearing the right clothes can they successfully leave the house.
Game background
In some Asian countries, people dress formally for important occasions. However, in certain countries, uniforms are required to be worn even at work or school. For instance, in Asia, students often wear uniforms before university, and bank tellers may also be required to wear uniforms. Additionally, in Japan, wearing suits is expected for job interviews or school interviews. As a result, it is common to see people dressed identically on the streets. The concept of freedom of dress is not strongly enforced in Asia, and those who do not conform to the norm may be considered outsiders or 'aberrations'.

Design Goal
To raise awareness about the i s su e o f fr e ed o m of dress, it is important t o a c k n o w l e d g e t h a t traditional stereotypes and low self-esteem can impact one's pursuit of beauty and hinder the willingness to experiment with different v e r s i o n s o f o n e s e l f . However, in today's diverse environment, individuals should not be confined or judged based on their body shape, skin color, or scars. One's clothing should not arbitrarily deffne them.
Design Process
I chose Adobe Animate for my game because the interface is userfriendly and straightforward. I used ActionScript 3.0 to write the code for my game.

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